NYS 4-H State Event Leader Orientation
Your Role
NYS 4-H State Event Leaders are critical to the success of the 4-H events!
NYS 4-H State Event leaders work together to support and supervise all youth involved - those from your community and those from across the state. Physical and psychological safety is foundational for high quality programs, creating environments where youth can experience a sense of belonging, and helping youth thrive
NYS 4-H events are collaborative events between Cornell University & Cornell Cooperative Extension. County Association, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Cornell University Policy & Procedures come together to proactively develop a safe environment for staff, partners, chaperones, and youth to engage in NYS 4-H Events.
If your role at the state event will not include supervising youth, please fill out this application.
After receiving your application, you will receive an email with next steps and suggested training
Example roles:
presenters, contest evaluators/judges, scorekeepers, moderators, advisory members
If you have any questions, contact Courtney Livecchi (cll243@cornell.edu).
Note for staff:
Check out the Adult Roles at State Events for more information about the categories of roles and requirements of each at state 4-H events.
All Staff should read and understand Cornell University's Children and Youth Safety Policy 8.8 CCE Staff should review, understand, and be able to support volunteers in understanding the requirements of CCE Association volunteer policies to ensure all volunteers meet the minimum requirements as an Enrolled (Long-term) Volunteer.
The CCE Association Volunteer Involvement Policy
The CCE Chaperone Policy
The Minimum Requirement Chart and the Minimum Background Screening Chart are helpful tools to get started.
All CCE Volunteers must also complete this Sexual Harassment Prevention Training on an annual basis.