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STEM Challenge

Power Up the Power Protectors!

NYS 4-H is looking for teams made up of youth and adults to lead Power Protectors activities across New York State. You can help power up youth superheroes in your community!

Your Mission

Work as a team to lead a Power Protectors program for a minimum of one group in your community. This could be for youth who are already be part of a club, afterschool program, or other 4-H group that you bring this activity to. Or this may be a new group of youth brought together just for this 4-H experience.


  • November 2023: kit distribution
  • December 2023 through January 2024: facilitation training and lead your local program
  • End of January 2024: program showcase and celebrations
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Your Leadership Team

Open to Educators, Volunteers, Youth-Adult Teams
Power Protectors could be led by CCE Educators, volunteers, or teams made up of youth and adults. Youth-adult teams could be a youth leader and a volunteer, a parent and child, a teacher and student, etc. 

Superhero Supports

This opportunity is open to any youth adult team in NYS that is interested. No prior knowledge required and this could be your first 4-H experience. The NYS 4-H STEM Challenge Team will provide mentorship as you grow your leadership skills in new ways. The Challenge Team will lead virtual training and be available for ongoing support in to help with how to lead kit activities, planning for local implementation, adapting for different settings, connecting Power Protectors to Cornell, and give you tools for the report back.

Power Protectors leadership teams will receive a free Power Protectors kit. The kit is designed for youth ages 8-14 years.  Each kit contains enough supplies for 6 youth and most supplies are reusable. Kit can be adapted for different ages and also to work with larger groups.

Please work together in your team to complete one application per team. You might find it helpful to have everyone together to fill out the form. You can also download the application questions here to prepare. 

Virtual Activities

Join us in the NYS 4-H STEM Challenge as we work together to power up the Power Protectors!

Flipping the Switch

It’s on! Learn about each of the activities in the Power Protectors kit including tips and tricks for how you can lead these with youth from your community. Explore connections to Cornell and community projects. 


Slides with links to resources

Your Power Grid



Star Power

Register Here

January 26 from 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Hosted by Cornell Spacecraft Planetary Imaging Facility
(open to all who are interested)

Power Protectors explores ways we can generate electricity here on Earth, but what about on other worlds? As spacecraft, and someday humans, venture into space to explore the Solar System, we’ll have to find ways to generate power that work in these alien environments. Join us to learn about these strange new worlds and come up with your own solutions to power the future of space exploration! 

About the 2023 STEM Challenge

Through decades of neglect and waste, Energy Island is in danger of becoming unplugged forever. Now it’s in the hands of the next generation - The Power Protectors - to bring back a sustainable balance by completing three engaging activities—using cooperation, determination and the POWER of reusable energy.

Power Protectors teaches kids how to address real-world issues and explore careers in energy. Power Protectors focuses on renewable energy, providing youth the fundamental knowledge of sustainable power sources, the energy people use on a daily basis, and the importance of using energy wisely.


National 4-H Resources


The National 4-H STEM Challenge page includes:

About the NYS 4-H Family STEM Challenge Planning Team

The NYS 4-H Family STEM Challenge Planning Team develops additional opportunities to extend your 4-H STEM Challenge experience, highlighting resources available in NYS and from Cornell University and providing community building activities for us to learn together. The team includes campus partners, county 4-H professionals, and youth leaders.

Contact us for more information and how to join.

Past Challenges


© 2023 New York State 4-H Youth Development, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Cornell University. All Rights Reserved. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. 4-H is the youth development program of our nation's Cooperative Extension System and USDA.


If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing the information on this website or need materials in an alternate format,
Contact for assistance.

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Land Acknowledgement

Cornell University is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' (the Cayuga Nation). The Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' are members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, an alliance of six sovereign Nations with a historic and contemporary presence on this land. The Confederacy precedes the establishment of Cornell University, New York state, and the United States of America. We acknowledge the painful history of Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' dispossession, and honor the ongoing connection of Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' people, past and present, to these lands and waters.

This land acknowledgment has been reviewed and approved by the traditional Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' leadership. Learn more

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