The 2023, 4-H Communication Institute will be held at Cornell University September 23-24, 2023, noon to noon, respectively. Our Eastman Rice Scholars and Cornell University Communication department have helped to coordinate a great event. (Come out to the 4-H Public Presentations Invitational and meet them in person!) All registration has to come through your county association. 4-H members ages 11 and up can participate. Register now for the 4-H Communication Institute until August 31, 2023. We will charge $100* for each youth (based on a double occupancy with a CCE approved volunteer or CCE staff member) to cover their lodging at Hotel Ithaca. In our registration you will see $50 charge per person.

CCE approved volunteers and CCE staff members will have to complete (1) the required RMI 101 and 103 trainings, (2) three volunteer forms, (3) all program staff have to know how to report an incident involving a minor and (4) share their most recent background check date.
4-H members will be required to have their parent or guardian sign off on the attached permission form.
Tentative Workshops
Audience & Articulation: What You Say & How You Say It
Pitch like a Pro: The Key to Mastering an Elevator Pitch
Speak with Impact: Building Confidence & Clarity in Public Speaking
You're the Expert: Using Personal Experiences to Develop and Organize Speech Ideas
Tour of Cornell's Broadcast Studios, Media Relations & News with Director & 4-H Alumni Bertrand Odom-Reed