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State Fair Evaluations

All exhibits coming to the NY State Fair youth building must be listed on all 3 copies of the county’s Exhibit Inventory and should have and Exhibit Tag and Evaluation sheet attached.

Exhibit Inventory

Every county having exhibits at State Fair in the youth building must fill out a 2023 Exhibit Inventory (do not use old versions of this form). This Exhibit Inventory must be printed ONE SIDED for use at State Fair (do not use 2-sided format please).

The first part of the Exhibit Inventory (pages 3-18) is for counties that will be having their exhibits evaluated. Please follow the directions to complete this section and fill out the Exhibit Inventory on the computer.

If your county will have EXHIBITS FOR DISPLAY ONLY (NOT JUDGED BY EVALUATORS) or CLOVERBUD PROJECTS ON DISPLAY IN YOUR STATE FAIR BOOTH, please fill out the Display Only Sheet (page 18 & 19) on the computer with all the information so we can track the number of total exhibits in the Youth Building.

Please use the 2023 State Fair Exhibit Inventory found on the 4-H STAFF page.

Exhibit Tag

The Green card has gone away and in its place are the 4-H Exhibit Tags. Please make sure your tags are completely filled out, front and back. To help distinguish different counties within a District booth, please use different color paper for the Exhibit tags for each county in your booth.

Please provide descriptive details of the project that matches the description on the Exhibit Inventory. (If you are sending vegetables, tell us what variety of vegetable. If it is a painting, tell us a painting of what.) Securely attach the Exhibit tag and Evaluation sheet to the project.

Please use the NY State Fair Exhibit Tag found on the 4-H STAFF page.

Universal Evaluation & Information Sheet

The State Fair Universal Evaluation & Information Sheet is now 2 sided with more room for 4-H members to tell their 4-H STORY. Please review the specific requirement for each section and class, outlined in the Youth Building Premium book. For Example, Artwork in Fine Arts must be signed. If it is not, it could be marked down.

The 4-H member fills out the front page of the Universal Evaluation & Information Sheet. The Evaluators at the NY State Fair use the back page. (Make sure Names, Ages, County, section/class #, years in project, and description are on the evaluation sheet.)

Please use the Universal Evaluation & Information Sheet found on the 4-H STAFF page.

If you have questions or concerns about these form or process, please email Wendy Richardson


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