The 4-H PYD Academy, due to the generous support of Bayer, is providing 100% scholarships to the first 40 participants to attend the Program Planning and Evaluation for PYD Impact course. Please check out the information below and register for this opportunity. Please note that to take advantage of this opportunity you will need to participate in both phases of the training.
Program Planning and Evaluation for PYD Impact-All Virtual
Phase 1 Course: Sept. 30 – Dec. 5
Phase 2 Learning Circles: Jan. 7 – Apr. 3
The Program Planning and Evaluation for PYD Impact course prepares educators to intentionally plan and evaluate PYD programming as defined by the 4-H Thriving Model. You will learn how to move from theory to action through intentional program planning and increase your capacity for the evaluation of PYD as defined by the 4-H Thriving Model.
This course is recommended for all 4-H professionals with a minimum of 3 years of 4-H career or other relevant youth development experience and an interest in program evaluation related to PYD and the 4-H Thriving Model.