November 4-H Sparks Space will feature two food systems programs.

First, Polly will share about the World Food Prize’s 2023 New York Youth Institute (NYYI)—a career development experience hosted at Cornell for New York high school students to spend a day with world-class experts learning critical global challenges. Students will grow professional networks; gain research and public speaking experience; and earn recognition as Borlaug Scholars. Interested 4-H Educators will also learn about the opportunity to serve as a roundtable expert panelist.
Then, Mingla will lead a training on Food Systems Exploration Activity Series—a new 4-H curriculum developed by our CCE colleagues for youth in grades 7-10 to think more intentionally about food systems, have meaningful conversations across generations, and reconnect with family and the community. Youth will recognize how they fit into the modern food system and how they can engage in addressing social issues related to food.
*4-H Sparks Space is held the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM as a space to gather together in innovative ways to reshape our programs and provide opportunities for all youth to thrive