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NYSF Events & Contests Reminder

Below is a list of the contests and events at the New York State Fair that are still open for registration to participate.

Poultry Science Contests

All Poultry Science Contests (Chicken Barbeque, Egg Preparation,Turkey Barbeque, Avian Bowl, and Poultry Science) must be registered for in advance. This is a correction to earlier distributed information. Submit entries via THIS WOOFOO FORM by August 19.

4-H Robotics Challenge
Wednesday, August 24 @ 1:00 - 5:00 pm - 4-H Youth Building

Build a robot and navigate it through a maze...fastest robot wins!

Produced in New York (aka PiNY)
Thursday, August 25 @ 10:00 am - 4-H Youth Building

NYS Fair ‘Produced in New York’ (PiNY) program is designed to showcase the wide variety and use of agricultural products grown or produced in New York. PiNY is an opportunity for youth, ages 8 – 18 years of age, to demonstrate their food preparation skills while promoting a tasty recipe featuring New York State food products. During the PiNY program, individual 4-H members do a “silent demonstration” concurrently with at least one other presenter. Youth 8 – 12 years of age are entered in the junior division, and youth 13 – 18 years of age are considered senior presenters.

Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) Competition
Friday, August 26, 2:30 - 4:30 pm - 4-H Youth Building

We are bringing the annual WHEP Competition back LIVE and IN-PERSON on Friday, August 26, check-in starts at 2:30 and the competition should run between 3-4 PM, with awards being given out at 4:30 PM.

There will be two age brackets: ages 10 - 14 as of January 1, and Seniors 14 - under 19 as of January 1, 2022. All participants will receive a certificate of participation for their age category. Top 3 winners in each class will receive a ribbon and book related to the topic.

Registration is available on the Business Systems Launchpad, under Warren County. This must be completed by the educator and MUST include the correct address, telephone, and email for all participants.


The Great 4-H Cookoff
Sunday, August 28 @ 2:00 pm - 4-H Youth Building

Represent your County in a brand-new challenge to show your culinary talents! Teams of 3-5 youth will start with the theme of re-imagining Fair food into something delicious and nutritious. Expect some challenges along the way!

Livestock Skillathon
Monday, August 29 @ 5:00 pm (Check-in begins at 1:00 pm) - Youth Arena

Test your skills and knowledge about livestock in this annual competition. Contestants will participate in individual activities and team-oriented exercises including a written quiz, identifications, and team questions. To enter, download the registration form and email or mail to Jen Collins by August 25.

NEW! Livestock Judging
Tuesday, August 30 @ 7:30 am - Beef Barn

Test your skills and knowledge about livestock judging in this annual competition. Learn about judging different species and what to look for when evaluating livestock. To enter, download the registration form and email or mail to Jen Collins by August 25.

Fashion Revue
Tuesday, August 30 @ 2:00 pm (Check-in begins at 1:00 pm) - 4-H Youth Building

Fashion Revue gives you an opportunity to show off an outfit you have sewn. Model your creations and show off your sewing skills!

NEW! Public Presentations
Friday, September 2 @ 10:00 am - 4-H Youth Building

We have a small opportunity for your 4-H members to receive general audience feedback on public presentations at the NYS Fair on September 2, 2022, from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. We have secured the main stage in the 4-H Youth Building and speakers will have 10 minutes to share their presentations then we will give the audience 5 minutes to provide constructive feedback on their work. Each speaker will earn a small premium.

To sign up, complete this form to secure a timeslot and a special thanks to Chelsea Denny of CCE-Clinton who suggested we offer this opportunity.

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