NYS 4-H Healthy Food Guidelines Updated by Y-HEAL PWT
The Youth Healthy Eating Active Living Program Work Team (Y-HEAL PWT) has recently updated the NYS 4-H Healthy Food Guidelines to be utilized by youth programs across the state. The guidelines were created as a tool to help our 4-H volunteers, 4-H parents, Choose Health Club officers, camp directors, 4-H after-school staff, and educators create healthy snacks for 4-H meetings and events. All items in the guidelines are affordable, accessible, and loved by kids!
The guidelines focus on the following messages:
Replace sweetened drinks with water and low-fat milk
Serve more fruits and vegetables
Increase consumption of whole grains
Serve healthier fast-food choices
Provide fewer high-fat and high-sugar items
Provide more nutrient-rich and high-fiber foods
Serve smaller portions
The guidelines follow MyPlate and include food items from each of the 5 food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. Youth are encouraged to eat at least 2 food groups when consuming snacks and at least 3 food groups when consuming meals. A variety of snacks, meals, and beverage suggestions are provided, with additional resources linked to recipes, nutrition activities, and more! The link to the new guidelines can be found here.