March 21st at 1:00 pm Eastern
Join with Marianne Bird and Kendra Lewis to learn how data parties can make data analysis fun and beneficial.
Dr. Kendra Lewis is the State Specialist for Health and Well-Being at the University of New Hampshire. Her work focuses on coordinating and delivering social, emotional, and mental health programming to New Hampshire residents.
Marianne Bird is a 4-H Youth Development Advisor in Sacramento, California. Marianne has extensive experience in program design and evaluation. She oversaw California’s statewide 4-H camp evaluation project.
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More opportunities for Meet the Author and Small Bites will be announced as details are available. We hope you will join us.
NAE4-HYDP Research & Evaluation Committee Presents: Meet the Author
Meet the Author is one way that the NAE4-HYDP Research & Evaluation Committee is promoting the 3 Rs: reading, writing, and reviewing. We believe it is important for 4-H youth development professionals to use what we know about positive youth development and embrace a growth mindset by continuing to be consumers of research and evaluation. However, it can be challenging to keep up with all the latest developments.
Meet the Author provides an opportunity for 4-H professionals to gain knowledge and insight to apply to their programs.
Developmental Evaluation for Extension Programs
March 26th at 1:00pm Eastern
Dr. Joseph Donaldson (NC State University) and Dr. Karen Franck (University of Tennessee-Knoxville) will share their work evaluating the 4-H Science: Building a 4-H Career Pathway Initiative to demonstrate key principles of developmental evaluation and how this method can be useful for program planning and evaluation for Extension professionals. You can find their recent publication in the Journal of Extension:
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More opportunities for Meet the Author and Small Bites will be announced as details are available. We hope you will join us.