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Looking for 4-H Youth Participants from the PYD Study 2002-12

Hey 4-H Educators! Did you know that over 2500 4-H youth participated in the National 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development between 2002-2012? Chances are one of these youth is from your state or county. The research team at Tufts University and Boston College, under the direction of Dr. Richard M. Lerner and Dr. Jaqueline V. Lerner, are currently contacting youth who participated in the original study to be part of a follow-up “reconnection study.” While the team has reached over 275 past participants so far, they are relying on e-mail addresses that are 10 years old to do so.

The results of the reconnection study will tell a great story for 4-H and help us understand how youth transitioned to adulthood – giving us a glimpse of long-term benefits of 4-H study. Will you consider helping us reconnect to some of the original study youth by placing the following in your state and county newsletters?


Did you participate in the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development (PYD)?

If you participated in the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, conducted by Richard M. Lerner and Jaqueline V. Lerner (2002-2012), we would like to hear from you again!

Thanks to participation from 2500 youth involved in 4-H, researchers found 4-H to be an exemplar of a youth program that promoted Positive Youth Development. If you are interested in learning more about the original study, please go to: The findings from the study have been widely used in youth programs across the nation and the world.

The youth development research team at Tufts University and Boston College are conducting a study to reconnect with participants from the original 4-H Study of PYD to learn about life and work activities, health and well-being, and especially, the family, community, and national contributions and civic engagement of the participants form the original study. This follow-up study will involve a one-time online survey that will take approximately 20-30 minutes. The survey is open to participants from the original 4-H Study who are currently in the United States at the time they take the survey. Participants will be compensated for their time with a $50 gift card.

If you believe you participated in the initial 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development and are interested in being a part of the new study, please see the attached flyer or contact us at or (617) 863-2283.

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