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UPDATE: Increased Risk of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in U.S.

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

UPDATE: 2/24/22


After the recent incident of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Long Island, anyone involved with poultry production should review their biosecurity activities to assure the health of their birds.

Amy Barkley, Livestock and Beginning Farm Specialist with the SWNY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Program, has developed a resource sheet to help poultry producers be on the lookout for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza:

A shared box folder has been created to share additional resources as they become available.

The New York Extension Disaster Education Network (NY EDEN) is a collaborative educational network based at Cornell University and dedicated to educating New York residents about preventing, preparing for and recovering from emergencies and disasters. NY EDEN is working with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to provide resources and updates to poultry producers.

These resources will also be available on the NY EDEN website soon.


"We are watching intently on what happens, through NYS Dept. of Ag and Markets. I just participated in a call with a state vet responsible for taking the HPAI calls. It’s too soon to determine if NYS will cancel any poultry-related activities. If cases are reported outside of Suffolk, things may happen quickly. They start with quarantine zones. The USDA is responsible for establishing the radius of those zones.

The livestock PWT is planning a virtual “Flock Talk” that will be open to the public, sometime next week. Amy Barkley will be preparing a flyer. As soon as I have the information it will be posted on Sharepoint.

What about fairs? Stay alert to Pullorum Testing Clinic page on Ag and Markets website. Ag and Markets will let us know. We are preparing a Q&A sheet that educators can use if they receive public calls ie: is it safe to get chicks from Tractor Supply, is it safe to hatch eggs in the classroom, etc. that will be posted on Sharepoint. 4-H Educators are advised to share this information with every family they know who raises birds, in order to be proactive.

The state of GA has already canceled some things. The state of Delaware has already had to depopulate a large # (millions of birds) in commercial flocks. Environments (pastures outdoor pens) that test positive for HPAI have to remain fallow for at least 4 months. "



Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been detected in wild birds on the East Coast, and a commercial Turkey flock in Indiana. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a highly infectious, deadly, and reportable disease in the U.S. In 2014-2015, it resulted in the largest animal U.S. health emergency ever recorded when it killed over 50 million layers, broilers, and turkeys on over 200 farms in 15 states.

NYS 4-H poultry producers should be on high alert since this disease has been identified in nearly 140 wild bird samples in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida this year (up from 90 earlier this week), and was recently identified in a commercial turkey flock of 29,000 birds in Indiana on February 8th. There is a high likelihood that we’ll see this disease either in or surrounding NYS based on wild bird migratory routes in the coming months.

Biosecurity plans for smaller producers are relatively easy to develop using information from the Defend the Flock initiative from USDA-APHIS.

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