Early Career 4-H Professionals Academy Registration Opens July 11th

Overview: Positive youth development in 4-H doesn't just happen. It depends on you. We want to prepare you to be the best 4-H PYD educator you can be, and it begins with understanding the science and research of PYD and how you can use it to help youth thrive. The academy, recommended for all 4-H professionals within the first three years of their career, will provide a fundamental understanding of the science and practice of positive youth development in 4-H.
Space is limited to just 50 professionals in this pilot year of the academy.
Cost: $300 (not including registration for the in-person session at the NAE4-HYDP Conference)
Academy Schedule
September 23rd-Virtual Learning Content Opens with a self-paced week of independent learning in preparation for Live Session #1
Live Virtual Session# 1-The Research Base of PYD: Tuesday, September 27 and Thursday, September 29 (select one) from 12:00 pm to 4 pm ET (11 am- 3 pm Central; 10 am – 2 pm Mountain; 9 am to 1 pm Pacific)
September 30th -Virtual Learning Content Opens with a self-paced week of independent learning in preparation for Live Session #2
Live Virtual Session #2-High Quality PYD Program: Tuesday October 4 and Thursday October 6 (select one) from 12:00pm to 4pm ET (11am- 3pm Central; 10am – 2pm Mountain; 9am to 1pm Pacific)
In-Person Session #3-PYD in Practice: Sunday, October 9th from 8:30-4:40 CT (light breakfast and lunch will be provided)
For more details about the academy and to register please CLICK HERE