Register now for the 2023 Virtual Animal Crackers Winter Series! Geared for youth ages 12 & Up... Free to attend!
JANUARY 12 & 26 @ 6pm EST Lambing & Kidding
We will explore the basic tool kit you need to have in place to be prepared for lambing and kidding, how to care for newborn lambs and kids, and how to navigate/detect issues that may arrive during the lambing and kidding season.
FEBRUARY 9 & 23 @ 6pm EST Rabbits & Cavies
February 9th: ARBA Executive Director Eric Stewart will be joining us to talk about what the ARBA is and what it offer. He will discuss how to become a member, a registrar and a licensed judge with the association. Along with another guest speaker.
February 23rd: Tompkins county 4-H TEEN Ariana Pascquala will be joining to talk about her experience in the rabbit project and her journey from being new to the 4-h rabbit project to becoming a licensed ARBA Registrar and showing nationally at ARBA shows.
MARCH 9 & 23 @ 6pm EST Poultry/Meat Birds
Meeting industry professionals, learn how about an industry with jobs to offer and how you can find your way into a career with poultry
As a 4-H member, how can you be a successful part of the industry. Learn about poultry processing, best practices, egg sales, marketing and bit security for your home flocks.

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