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4-H Magical Outdoor Adventure Request for Proposals

Please help us get the word out about the upcoming 4-H Magical Outdoor Adventure Weekend! We are still looking for staff and volunteers to lead 1.5 hour workshops on Saturday and or help with event in general. Let us know if you have an idea! Please submit proposals through the link below.

This is for 4-H youth (10+) and will be held at 4-H Camp Bristol Hills, in Canandaigua, NY, September 22 thru 24th. Fliers are available here:

Brief summary: This outdoor program introduces youth to various outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, compass/maps, knot tying, fire building etc. They will participate in 4 workshops on Saturday and compete in a team challenge event Sunday, utilizing their new skills.

Request for workshop proposals:

We would appreciate your help in getting this information out to others!

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