In 2024 the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) sponsored a summer intern to develop a database of 4-H kits and curricula that can be found around New York State. Emilia Suarez, a food system major at Cornell was the summer intern, Alexa Mallie was the campus-based mentor, Susan Hoskins was the faculty sponsor, and Kandis Freer was the field supervisor. The high-quality educational materials and equipment cover topic areas in STEM, natural resources, healthy living, civic engagement, animal science, and food systems in hopes that more educators will gain an understanding of what is available to them to use and borrow, and gain an understanding of the educators working in specific project areas to serve as mentors, if needed. This list will be evolving, if you have something to add or change, please reach out to Kandis Freer or Alexa Maille.
The database lives on the NYS 4-H website under More --> Staff Resources --> All Staff Resources --> 4-H Kit Inventory