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2022 NYSF FAQ's

Here is a quick summary of answers to common questions that have been asked about the 2022 NYSF.

Parking, Passes & Entry Gates

How do I get parking passes?

Every county should have received an email detailing parking pass and Entry Pass requests. These requests need to be emailed to Zach Bakowski at State Fair ASAP. The form was attached to an email sent on Tuesday, July 26th.

How do I get delivery passes?

Delivery passes will be in digital format only and you must add them to your email request

if you or any of your participants will need them. If you are delivering items on the 2 days prior to the fair opening (8/22 or 8/23) or will be picking up exhibits on the day after labor day (9/6) you will not need a delivery pass.

Where are trailers parked and how do I get a pass for one?

Trailers will still be parked in the Black Lot. You can request passes on the same form mentioned above.

Where can I find information about reserving a camper space?

Requests for camping spaces must be emailed to

Camping is first come first served for spots. (Think of it like a movie theater, you pick your seats and then you’re locked in.)

Below are the options for camping, simply reply to the email address above with the specific location/dates you require. Certain spots are locked into certain dates (IE, All of Belle Isle is 13 Days camping, no single days and certain locations in Tan are only available for Beef Cattle Rotations, etc).

Belle Isle - $300

Tan Beef Rotations - $100

*Tan Single Day - $25

Pink Dairy Cattle Rotations - $150

*For Tan Single Days, please be sure to supply the dates you will be staying. Each Date is a separate purchase.

How do I get into the fairgrounds? What gates can I use?

Vehicle entry to the fairground will be permitted through Gate 11 (open 24/7).

On-foot entry to the fairground is permitted through Gate 4 (open 24/7)

Please refer to the NYS Fair maps to get a “lay of the land.” Most people will drive in Gate 7 and park in the grey lot and then enter the grounds through Gate 9.

Youth Building Exhibits

When can I "move in" and start setting up my youth building exhibits?

It is anticipated that most counties will move in on either August 22 or 23 before

the fair opens. If you will be moving in at another time/day, connect with Autumn so that we can negotiate those needs.

How do I handle perishable exhibits?

It is best to contact Wendy Richardson about perishable items. We do not want items

sitting out for 2 weeks, so we advise you to consider taking pictures of perishable items that will not last so that the picture can accompany the ribbon later in the fair.

What are green cards and how do we get them?

Green cards are paper identification cards for exhibits in the youth building that are filled out by youth exhibitors and signed by educators. These cards must be filled out by

The cards are then attached to the youth's project for evaluation. Please let Autumn know ASAP if these are something you need.

What is the schedule for youth events throughout the fair?

We are currently finalizing the schedule for the Youth Building. The schedule will be posted on the NYS 4-H Staff website so check back often for updates.

The Animal Science schedules are posted on the same page ( under the Animal Science block.

When will our County exhibits be evaluated?

The majority of evaluations will be completed during the first 5 days of the fair. The remainder will be completed on the 2nd weekend of fair. If you know anyone interested in being an evaluator please reach out to Wendy Richardson


Has the capacity of the dorm changed since 2019?

It is recommended by the Health Department that we operate at reduced capacity. However, our dorm is rarely near full capacity so we don't anticipate this being much of a challenge.

Dairy exhibitors are still permitted to stay in the Dairy Barn. Please contact Debbie Grusenmeyer for more information about the dairy barn options and requirements.

What is an exemption letter?

If youth are choosing to stay somewhere else other than the dorms or the dairy

barn, then they must fill out an exemption form to keep on file with the county 4-H program.

What happens if I have a family with one chaperone and children of different genders?

Families are welcome to stay in the youth building dorms. Men/Boys and Women/Girls will stay on the assigned side of the dorms as designated.

What is the cost of staying in the dorms?

The fee is $2.00/night billed to your county office.

Youth Leaders, Teen Leaders & Junior Superintendents

How do youth sign up to be Youth Leaders, Teen Leaders and/or Junior Superintendents

As in years past, we will have teen and youth leader opportunities available to youth. As stated in the premium book there is a premium that youth will earn for their services. To register youth and teens for these opportunities please use the following link

Animal Science

How do we enter Animal Science projects into the state fair?

All entries except for HORSES must be entered online by the exhibitor. For instructions on how youth can enter visit under the Animal Science block.

For additional forms and species-specific guidance, visit the Animal Science website.

What is the deadline to enter Animal Science projects in the fair?

The deadline is FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 @ 5:00 PM for all species.

Will there be Livestock Judging and/or the Livestock Skillathon?

At this time we do not have anything confirmed about either a Livestock Judging or a Skillathon Competition. If this changes we will update accordingly.

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