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4-H Career Explorations

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4-H Career Explorations aims to expand possibilities for youth by connecting them to Cornell University; sparking interests in careers and career pathways; developing academic, leadership, and life skills; and providing an opportunity to experience college life.

The Conference is made up of two program tracks –  

  • University U: Youth are introduced to Cornell through campus tours and explore a variety of topics in six different departmental workshops. Youth are randomly assigned to these UU programs.

  • Focus for Teens: Youth spend 3 days with a specific department. Youth select their Focus for Teens programs and programs are filled first-come, first-serve. 

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Quick Facts

Dates: Tuesday, June 27 to Thursday, June 29, 2023

Location: Cornell University

Arrival: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Tuesday

Departure: 1:00 PM on Thursday

Cost: 2023 TBD (2022 was $350 per youth and $350 per chaperone)

Registration: Information available April 1, opens April 17, closes May 15

Open to all NYS youth entering 8th grade and up.

Program Tracks:

      University U: teens entering 8th grades and up

      Focus for Teens: teens entering 10th grade and up


Map of Activity Locations


Contact the Event Coordinator with questions and feedback.

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What's New

Program Leaders

Program Planning

Program Leader Role

Important Dates
  • February 28, 2023: Program proposal due

  • April 14, 2023: Program schedule and logistics finalized

  • End of June: receive participant registration list and confirm final logistics

  • June 26, 2023: Dinner with Focus Assistants

  • June 27-29, 2023: 4-H Career Explorations Conference

Share your program proposal here!

Sparking Future Possibilities

4-H is the Youth Development program of the Cooperative Extension System integrated into each Land Grant University. Since 1922, 4-H has held an annual event for youth on the Cornell campus. 4-H Career Explorations aims to expand possibilities for youth by:

  • Connecting kids to Cornell University

  • Sparking youth interest in careers and career pathways

  • Developing youth academic, leadership, and life skills

  • Providing an opportunity for youth to experience college life


3 fun-filled days on campus divided into 2 tracks:

  • University U (grades 8 through 12) - Cornell Departments offer the same 85-minute workshop to six different groups (about 10-15 youth per group) over a day and a half (all day Wednesday and Thursday morning).

  • Focus for Teens (grades 10-12) - Cornell Departments offer 12 hours of engaging programming over three days to the same group of youth (Tuesday afternoon through Thursday morning). The Program Facilitators set the group size limit.


Leading Programs

Program Leaders create engaging, hands-on learning experiences that connect youth with their work and career pathways.



  • Inspire: share your expertise and inspire interest in different careers.

  • Engage: engage new audiences and try out outreach projects related to your research. 

  • Connect: link research and practice.




  • Communicate with Event Lead about program planning needs; about any participant pre- conference preparation; about activity schedules, locations, and other logistics; and other needs as they arise

  • Create a safe, inclusive learning environment 

  • Engage youth in hands-on learning experiences 

  • Work in partnership with chaperones & Focus Assistants 

  • Talk with youth about your career exploration process and pathways to careers

  • Connect youth to resources for college and careers

  • Support event evaluation efforts



  • Ongoing support from Conference Planning Team 

  • Planning support

  • Financial (if needed): 

    • Focus for Teens: $15 per participant

    • University U: $15 per participant for one average- sized group

  • Adult Chaperones and Focus Assistant teen leaders will help guide group behavior and help with logistics during the event

  • Evaluation and feedback after the event


Time Commitment 

  • University U

    • A 85-minute workshop repeated for 6 different groups over 2 days

    • 4 workshops on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday

  • Focus for Teens

    • 12 hours of activities over 3 days with one group

    • 2.5 hours Tuesday afternoon, 6.5 hours Wednesday, 3 hours Thursday morning

  • Pre-Conference preparation time varies

Program Leaders
Program Leader Role

Program Planning

Delivering High Quality Programs

The best 4-H Career Explorations programs provide interactive learning experiences by:

  • Providing opportunities for youth to do and experience activities related to careers

  • Connecting young people with professional mentors and role models

  • Sharing personal career pathways and stories

  • Integrating the 4-H Learning Experience

  • Engaging youth in the work of Cornell University and in your work


Program Leader Gatherings

You're invited to connect with leaders from across Cornell who are creating 4-H Career Explorations programs. Each meeting time will include a chance to focus on a different aspect of youth development program planning and also time to share questions and experiences. We'll meet monthly on the third Thursday from 3:00 - 3:45 PM March until the event in June:

  • March 16: An introduction to this year's event and also find out how to be a Spark Champion for youth in your program

  • April 20: Learn strategies for creating welcoming spaces where youth feel they can belong

  • May 18: Explore ways to create engaging, impactful learning experiences for youth

  • June 15: Learn about how partnering with Focus Assistant teen leaders can help create engaging learning experiences


Register here for Zoom connection information


Facilitation Resources
Program Planning


The Conference Planning Team

The Career Explorations Conference Planning Team includes 4-H Educators and Focus Assistant youth leaders from across NY.  There are many different ways you can be part of creating this year’s experience. Check out our Team Roles and Responsibilities to learn more about adult and youth leadership roles.


Educator Opportunities

We’re looking for Educators interested in joining the Career Explorations Planning Team! If you are interested, please email Alexa. Thank you!


Teen Leadership Opportunities

We’re looking for creative and dedicated youth leaders who are excited about helping their peers explore careers and Cornell to join the Career Explorations Conference planning team.

Conference Planning Team

Youth & Families

(This information is from the 2022 event and is included here for reference only. Details about the 2023 event will be shared in the spring.)

Youth & Families


Tuesday, June 28

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM    Check In (Robert Purcell Community Center (RPCC)

12:30 PM                        Youth Orientation (outside dorms by program signs)

12:30 PM                        Chaperone Orientation (RPCC 2nd Floor Auditorium)

1:30 PM                          Leave for programs (outside dorms by program signs)

2:00 – 4:30 PM              Focus for Teens programs (see specific group schedule)

2:00 – 3:00 PM              UU Opening Presentation (Duffield Hall)

3:00 – 4:30 PM              UU Campus Tour

5:00 - 5:30 PM              County Meetings (dorms)

5:30 – 6:30 PM              Dinner (Morrison dining)

7:00 – 8:30 PM              Opening Ceremony (Call Auditorium, Kennedy Hall)

8:30 – 10 PM                  Rec Time (outside, RPCC, bowling & gym in Helen Newman)

9:00 PM                         Dorms open for youth with their chaperones

10:00 PM                        County Check In – youth must be in dorms!

11:00 PM                         Lights Out

Wednesday, June 29

7:00 – 8:00 AM             Breakfast (Morrison dining)

8:15 AM                         Meet at program signs

8:30 AM                        Leave for programs (program signs)

9:00 AM – 4:30 PM       Programs (see Focus Program & UU schedules)

12:00 – 1:00 PM             Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)

5:00 - 5:30 PM              County Meetings (dorms)

5:30 – 6:30 PM              Dinner (Morrison dining)

7:00 – 10:00 PM            Rec Time (outside, RPCC, bowling & gym in Helen Newman)

9:00 PM                         Dorms open for youth with their chaperones

10:00 PM                        County Check In – youth must be in dorms!

11:00 PM                         Lights Out

Thursday, June 30

7:00 – 8:00 AM            Breakfast (Morrison dining) and Checkout (RPCC)

8:15 AM                         Meet at program signs

8;30 AM                        Leave for programs (program signs)

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM     Programs (see Focus Program & UU schedules)

12:15 – 1:00 PM              Closing Ceremony and Farewell (Call Auditorium, Kennedy Hall)


Map of Activity Locations



Code of Conduct


Our first priority is to create a safe, inclusive space for learning, sharing, and collaboration welcoming to people from diverse backgrounds, cultures and perspectives. Diversity includes, but is not limited to: race, color, religion, political beliefs, national or ethnic origin, immigration status, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, transgender status, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status, educational level, learning style, physical appearance, body size, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities. CCE actively supports equal educational and employment opportunities. No person shall be denied admission to any educational program or activity on the basis of any legally prohibited discrimination. CCE is committed to the maintenance of affirmative action programs that will assure the continuation of such equality of opportunity.


All 4-H Participants—youth, families, volunteers, and Extension staff—in or attending any activity or event sponsored by Cornell University’s Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) 4-H Youth Development Program are required to uphold the values of the NYS 4-H program and conduct themselves according to these standards. All participants (youth and adult) will follow the NYS 4-H Code of Conduct.


Any disturbance or emergencies should be reported to a chaperone. Parents/guardians will be contacted if a youth violates the code of conduct and they need to be sent home at their families’ expense. 


Adult chaperones will have the authority to make decisions in the absence of a County 4-H Educator if necessary.  Focus Assistants should be involved in decisions about the group as appropriate. Chaperones will be expected to intervene in any situation that violates the rules of the event or the basic rights of others, including youth from other counties. Any problems with youth from other counties should be dealt with immediately and then reported to the appropriate chaperones, Chaperone Advisors, and the Event Coordinator.




Everyone will be assigned a single occupancy room. Youth cannot switch rooms. Participants are responsible for any damages that occur to the room during their stay. Participants must be in the dormitory by 10:00 PM; lights out at 11:00 PM. 


Program Evaluation


Conference participants will be asked to help us learn about the program effectiveness by completing a survey or sharing their reflections. Participation in program evaluation efforts is completely anonymous, voluntary, and there is no impact on program participation if someone decides not to complete a survey. A participant, parent, or guardian may withdraw consent at any time and a participant may refuse any survey request at any time. Parents and participants give or deny their permission to participate in program evaluation efforts by completing the NYS 4-H Permission Slip.




Photos taken during the program may be used to promote 4-H Youth Development. Parents and participants give or deny their permission to be photographed by completing the NYS 4-H Permission Slip.


COVID-19 Response


NYS 4-H is committed to the health and safety of all youth and adults as we continue to experience the COVID-19 pandemic.


All event participants will follow Cornell University’s Guidance for events that are open to the surrounding community in addition to current Cornell students and employees, which may change between the time you register and arrive at the event. Please keep an eye on this event website and information for visitors for the most current guidance.


  • Pre-travel Testing

    • Cornell encourages everyone to test for COVID-19 before coming to campus. Please stay home if the test result is positive.

    • People should not come to campus if they are experiencing COVID-like symptoms.


  • Vaccination

    • At this time, Cornell does not require visitors to show proof of vaccination or testing. If circumstances change, proof of being fully vaccinated or a recent negative COVID-19 test may be required.

    • Cornell encourages full vaccination and boosters for all on campus.


  • Testing at the event

    • We encourage all participants to do a self-check for COVID-19 symptoms each day of the conference.

      • If participants develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they should contact the event nurse and not attend the conference until they test negative.

      • Symptoms may include:

        • Fever or chills

        • Cough

        • Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing

        • Fatigue

        • Muscle or body aches

        • Headache

        • New loss of taste or smell

        • Sore throat

        • Congestion or runny nose

        • Nausea or vomiting

        • Diarrhea

        • Consult the CDC COVID-19 website for most current list of symptoms.


  • Masking

    • Mask requirements have been lifted for many on-campus locations. However, high quality masks continue to be required in classrooms, laboratories and similar teaching settings, in healthcare and COVID-19 testing facilities, and in buses and Cornell-owned vehicles being utilized for multi-occupancy travel.

      • Masks are required in indoor Focus for Teens and University U programs and during Opening and Closing activities.

      • Masks are optional in Robert Purcell Community Center, the dorm, the dining hall, and Helen Newman Hall.

    • The choice to continue masking, even when not required, is a personal one, and no one should be made to feel uncomfortable because of their choice. 

    • Approved masks include masks with any of the following certifications: ASTM (procedure or surgical), KN95, FFP2, KF94, or NIOSH N95. Cloth masks are not approved unless worn in conjunction with an ASTM medical mask.​​

      • Each participant will be provided with 3 masks (one for each day of the event.)​


All participants are encouraged to wash their hands multiple times throughout the day as recommended by the CDC. It is suggested that participants bring their own hand sanitizer.


Youth Safety

Cornell University is dedicated to creating safe programs for children and youth.  Individuals working with children and youth are required to follow the policy of Children and Youth Safety.


Safety on Campus

Cornell is a large campus with many different summer activities. Serious crimes can and do occur along the footpaths of Cornell, despite the idyllic setting. A caution to all:

  • NEVER walk alone, especially after dark!

  • Dorm room doors should be locked at all times – always have your keys with you! If you get locked out of your room, call (607) 255-2288

  • Under no circumstances should youth leave the dorm at night and should never be alone on campus

  • Chaperones need to be in attendance for all programs, assemblies, free-time activities, County meetings, and on call all night

  • During free-time activities, if County participants split up, a Chaperone must accompany each of the groups (any Chaperone). Dorms are off limits during the day, except with a Chaperone

  • All participants must be back in their dorms by 10 PM. Lights out at 11 PM


The Cornell Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) asks you to help Cornell promote and maintain a safe learning environment by remembering the following:

  • Be aware of all potential hazards - If you are unsure whether something is dangerous or not, ASK QUESTIONS!!

  • Follow all instructions given by your program leader. They will provide safety training that you need for your specific program.

  • If you will work in a laboratory:

    • Wear the right clothes! Long pants and closed toed shoes.

    • Wear lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles as instructed - This is equipment for your personal protection!

  • Look out for the words like DANGER, WARNING and other symbols on doors, equipment, and containers - This means there is a potential hazard nearby.

  • IF THERE IS AN EMERGENCY - Notify your program leader or a nearby chaperone. IF a chaperone is not nearby, call the 911.

  • Examples of emergencies include: fires, injury or illness, large chemical spills, and other situations where someone can get hurt.


Chaperones, program leaders, and instructors can contact EHS at 607-255-8200 or with specific questions or concerns.


Reporting Incidents and Illnesses

Report any illness, accident, or incident to an adult Chaperone immediately. If you feel unwell, please contact the nurse. If you develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please contact the event nurse and do not attend the conference until you test negative.


Please follow the NYS 4-H Crisis Action Plan and Career Explorations Communication Tree (shared with Chaperones at Chaperone Orientation) to report these incidents to event leadership. Additional emergency preparedness resources available from Cornell Emergency Management.


Importance of Nametags

All 4-H Career Ex participants must wear their identification nametag around their necks throughout the event. The nametags will enable participants to seek emergency care or assistance throughout campus, enter the dining hall, and allow 4-H Staff and Cornell program presenters to identify Conference participants.


Cell Phones

Please turn off or keep cell phones on silent during programs. Lead Chaperones, University U Group Leaders, and Focus Assistants will have their phones on silent in case of emergency. If you need to make a call during a program because of an emergency, please go out into the hallway or away from the group to not interrupt the program.

Image by Solen Feyissa


Participants need to register with the local 4-H Youth Development program through the county Cornell Cooperative Extension Office. Registration will close June 1 or when programs are full, whichever happens first. This can occur before June 1.





  • $350 per participant to cover room, board, and program .

  • Early Arrival/Late Departure costs

    • Single Room per night - $61

    • Breakfast: $10

    • Lunch: $14

    • Dinner: $17


Please let us know on the registration form if your county plans to arrive on campus early. Youth arriving early must have a chaperone for the early arrival time, too (we provide chaperones for Focus Assistants). Contact the Event Coordinator to make special arrangements.


Please note: Registration fees and transportation to and from the event is at the participant’s own expense. Some CCE Associations charge youth additional fees to cover transportation & chaperone expenses. Some CCE Associations have scholarship funds to support youth participation. Contact your local office for more information.


Note for CCE Associations: Counties will be billed directly for the registration fee and any additional room and board fees as applicable.




Scholarship applications are due at the time of registration, or no later than May 1. To apply for a full or partial youth scholarship, please complete the scholarship section of the Registration Form. Scholarships are limited and will be awarded to qualified applicants through a competitive review process.


Cancellation Policy


Cancellations prior to June 10 will not be charged. Cancellations after June 10 will be billed a $100.00 cancellation fee. Same program replacements are allowed, but need to be registered before arrival at the conference. Anyone who has to cancel on June 10 or later because of COVID-19 will receive a 50% refund of their registration fee. No-shows will be charged in full.




Counties are expected to provide chaperones in about a 1 to 6 ratio for teens attending. Chaperones may be shared with other counties. Every participant must have a designated chaperone. The state office needs to know about multi-county groups that need to be housed together. The chaperone registration fee is the same as for youth. Chaperones will be expected to supervise youth from other counties during program times and while supervising evening social activities.


Lead Educator


Each County Association must designate a CCE staff person as the Lead Educator for their group attending a state event. This person must attend the state event. The Lead Educator will be the main contact for your county group during the event. They will be responsible for supervising Chaperones from your Association during the event. If there is a situation that arises with a youth or adult participant from your Association, event staff will work with the Lead Educator to resolve the situation. 


Chaperone and Youth Orientation


Specific information about program schedules, preparation to attend, and expectations at the event will be available on the 2022 4-H Career Explorations website by early June. All chaperones and participants should review this information prior to coming to Career Explorations. We strongly encourage 4-H Educators to hold an orientation meeting to review this information before coming to campus.

Printable Registration Info for participants


Online Permission Form for Participants


Online Registration - CLOSED - registration is full


Half-page flyer



4-H Career Explorations Chaperones are critical to the success of the conference! Your role throughout the whole Conference is to model and help everyone live up to the 4-H Code of Conduct in order to ensure that everyone has a safe and positive experience. 


Here is the full Chaperone role description and responsibilities


Preparing to Chaperone


In addition to Cornell Cooperative Extension's volunteer policy procedures, volunteer chaperones at 4-H Career Explorations are cleared through Cornell University's Children and Youth Safety Policy. According to Cornell University's policy, employees and volunteers may start working with children and youth after they have:

  • cleared the background check (volunteers will receive an email from Cornell's background check vendor with instructions for this process after they register for the event)

  • completed CRS 2101 – Protecting Children: Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct course in CULearn (directions for accessing course)

  • and understand how to report an incident involving a child or youth


More training and support resources are available in the NYS 4-H Statewide Events online course. To enroll in the course, please:

  1. Log in to the CCE Moodle page 

    • If you don't have a CCE Moodle account yet: 

      • CCE staff: sign in using your Cornell netid and an account will be set up for you.

      • Volunteers: Create one by using the "Create new account" link under the heading "Is this your first time here." You will receive a confirmation email with a link in it (check spam or junk email if you cannot find that email.) Then click that link to confirm your account.  

    • If you already have an account with Moodle, go to step 2. 

  2. Go to the NYS 4-H Statewide Events course, which will ask you for the enrollment key. All chaperones have been emailed the enrollment key. If you need it again, please contact Alexa.


During the Event


Safety and Responding to Incidents

In every situation, safety is a primary concern. Please review the Expectations section for overall preparation. Lab and activity safety information will also be shared by campus partners within your program. The Nurse will be available throughout Career Explorations. FAs and UU Group Leaders will have small first aid kits. An incident and crisis response plan, including phone numbers for main contacts, will be shared during Chaperone Orientation. Please help everyone remain calm and follow the event communication tree.


SafeR Spaces


We will use a variety of strategies to work in partnership with youth and adults to create a welcoming environment for all. If you are having challenges in this area during the event or have suggestions for improvement to share, please look for the 4-H SafeR Spaces sign and event leaders wearing the 4-H SafeR Spaces shirt “Mobile SafeR Space” to find someone to talk with. Individuals wearing a Mobile SafeR Space shirt are trained in handling incidents related to exclusion, bias or harassment. If anyone feels their identity or safety is not being respected, they can connect with these individuals as allies who are ready and able to provide support and resources to manage the situation. 




  • Check all rooms upon arrival and departure; report any new damages.

  • Make sure youth know where their chaperones’ rooms are.

  • Dorm floors are not unisex – all genders may enter all floors.

  • Youth should only go in their own rooms, not other people’s. They can hang out with friends and others in common areas.

  • Bathrooms will not be designated for a particular gender. A county may choose to do that if participants would be more comfortable.

  • Youth should not be in the dorm during the evening activity period until the scheduled evening dorm opening. Youth may go back to the dorms starting at 9 pm BUT must be accompanied by their chaperone between 9 – 10 pm.

  • Chaperones can organize a time for youth to access the dorms during county meeting time, following or preceding dinner or before evening activities.

  • Chaperone swipe cards give you access to enter the dorm buildings; youth only have room keys. Doors will lock automatically when shut, so everyone should keep their room keys with them – even to nighttime bathroom runs. The lock out number is on the Communication Tree.

  • Check out is Thursday morning 6:30 - 8 AM on the second floor of RPCC. BE SURE ALL KEYS ARE TURNED IN. Counties will be charged for any keys not returned.

  • Plan to load luggage into vehicles or bring them to the luggage storage room (room 220 on 2nd floor RPCC) during check out.




  • The meal cards in your packets get you into Morrison Dining hall. Do not lose them. Once you enter the dining hall, there is no re-entry – make sure your group knows this!

  • Have youth scope out all the different options in the dining hall before they make decisions on what to take. It is easy to take more than they can eat. Please emphasize that they shouldn’t waste food. They can go back for seconds, but the dining hall is not a food challenge!

  • On Wednesday, everyone will go to Physical Sciences Clark & Baker Atrium for lunch. 

  • Special dietary needs – at lunch on Wednesday, please ask. We will have special foods for those with dietary restrictions. At the dining hall, ask any Manager for help with special needs and they will prepare special meals as needed. There is a gluten-free toaster and other supplies.


Program Activities


  • T-shirts are handed out at registration. Planning Team members will have purple or navy shirts this year. Shirts can be worn for county picture. Please have everyone wear Career Ex shirts on Thursday.

  • Meet your Focus or University U group at the designated signs outside near the dorms.

    • Your Focus Assistants and UU Group Leaders will be there to meet you.

    • Most people should plan to get to program signs by 8:30 AM, but pay attention to your program itinerary as starting times vary. Please be on time to leave with your group.

    • There will be people in that area to help in case anyone is late and misses their group.

    • While most everyone will be walking to their programs, there will also be a shuttle service for people 
      who have transportation needs.

  • If you take photos of the event, please share them with the Planning Team. We’ll use collected photos for the Closing Ceremony Video. Photos can be emailed to the Event Coordinator. Use the hashtag #4HCareerEx22 on public social media posts if you want them to be searchable. Please take your own county or group photo and email it to the Event Coordinator by Wednesday evening.

  • Please bring your county or group to Opening Ceremony in Call Auditorium, Kennedy Hall for 7 PM.

  • Focus Assistants and University U Group Leaders will bring everyone to Closing Ceremony immediately following the end of programs on Thursday. We expect everyone to attend this important part of the program for the youth.

    • Please return name tag holders at Closing Ceremony.

  • Evaluation data is very important to us and to campus partners. Please look for the post-event online survey that will be sent to you and your group after the conference.

  • Call the Event Coordinator if there is a problem (refer to communication tree).

  • If a youth or adult needs to leave campus, notify the Event Coordinator.

  • Career Explorations is a full event – please take time to take care of yourself and help your group do the same! Hydrate, rest, and be kind to others, it’s contagious!


County and Group Meetings


An evening County meeting is a required activity, although the length is at Chaperone’s discretion. Each County can choose a comfortable lounge within dorms where the Chaperones will facilitate the County meetings. There is time scheduled for County meetings before dinner. County meetings should include:

  • Taking attendance.

  • Reflection on the day's activities, what was learned, and any concerns​

  • Reviewing the next day’s activities with the group. Please be sure youth are familiar with:

    • Breakfast times and meeting locations

    • Your County’s regrouping time and place at the end of the day.


Reflection and evaluation is an important process that allows participants to think about and give immediate feedback on the day’s experiences. It can be a fun way to reconnect with each other. 


County and Group Meeting Suggested Agenda


Teamwork, Trust and Togetherness Team Activities ( - activities to help us intentionally create a welcoming space.


Evening Roles and Responsibilities

Evening Assignments Schedule


(schedule and more information in Campus Life section)


General Duties
The key to all of the evening roles is that we want to encourage all participants to engage in the free time evening activities, have fun, and stay safe. The goal of the event is to engage in exploring careers, enjoy the college experience, and make new friends, and therefore these experiences are about relationship building. Your role will ultimately involve encouraging 4-Hers, Educators, and volunteers to participate in the evening activities of their choice, even if they rotate through multiple activities.


Note: 4-H youth are not allowed to use the computer lab on the second floor of Robert Purcell Community Center. Also, no one should be in the dorms during the evening activity period.


There may be youth in the building from other summer programs. If there are youth that are not from our conference who are causing problems, please contact your Lead Educator or the Chaperone Advisors.


If youth want to go to the Cornell Store or Bear Necessities (located on the lower level of RPCC) they need to be accompanied by an adult and numbers in the store at one time need to be limited.

You have a team of Educators and volunteer Chaperones to support you throughout this event. If you feel conflict escalating in a situation, please call in another Chaperone for help and step away as necessary. Reminder – all challenging behaviors must be communicated to your Lead Chaperone.


If you run into any problems, please call the Chaperone Advisors (contact information is on the event communication tree).


Evening Role Schedule

  • The supervision schedule with your specific role will be emailed to you before you arrive on campus and posted here.

  • It is fine to switch duties with someone, but you are responsible for making sure your assignment is covered. Please make sure you let the Chaperone Advisors know, too.

  • Please end activities in time for teens to get back to the dorm by 10:00 PM.


Youth should not be in the dorm during the evening activity period. There is not a good way to supervise youth in the dorm in a way that assures safety and appropriate behavior for all during this time. At no time should an adult and youth be alone together in the dorm. Your job as a dorm chaperone is to explain to youth they cannot enter the dorm. If there is a special case and you have questions, you may call the chaperone coordinator or a conference coordinator. If a youth needs to take a shower, you can send them to Helen Newman Hall (they will need their own towel and soap, and a change of clothes).

Outdoor Games (Rawlings Green across from Helen Newman)

​Make sure that participants play safely, play fair, and be a team player. There is no skateboarding allowed in this common space. Please make sure all trash and equipment is removed upon departure. Soccer, volleyball, and Frisbee are all good uses of this outdoor space. Showers are available in Helen Newman.

quiet lounge.png
Quiet Lounge (RPCC Wendy Purcell Lounge, 2nd Floor)

The Wendy Purcell Lounge is available for those youth who prefer a quiet space to relax and re-energize. Quiet activities include reading, journaling, quiet board games, or computer work.

movie lounge.png
Movie/Lounge (RPCC Lounge 103/105 & Auditorium)

We will have a Netflix subscription for movies. Details will be shared to the chaperones in charge.

Bowling  (Helen Newman Hall)

Your role is to help youth have fun. Direct youth to the lanes; make sure that they follow the rules of the bowling center (for example, no playing above the marked sections of the lanes as lanes can be very slippery). Help youth act in a safe manner. Finally, there are typically five people per lane but this rule may be relaxed since we have a large group.


Make sure that youth adhere to the rules of the games they choose. If you observe unsafe or unfair behavior be proactive and have a conversation with that young person (if it happens more than once, ask them to choose a different activity). At the end of the night once the gym is closed, direct youth to return to their dorms.

Swimming Pool (Helen Newman Hall)

Make sure youth walk on the pool deck; no running under any circumstances. When the lifeguard blows their whistle more than once about behavior, be proactive and have a conversation with the youth (if it happens often, ask them to choose a different activity). Also monitor the locker and shower areas (youth may come in just to use showers). By 8:15, direct youth to change and return promptly to their dorms.

Preparing to Come to Campus

Packing Suggestions

Below are some things you should pack to bring with you for the conference. Be prepared to deal with hot June temperatures or occasional cool rainy weather. Consider bringing the following:

  • Comfortable walking shoes (there is a lot of walking)

  • Clothing suited for the activity you will participate in.

    • Casual pants, shorts, shirts and tops.

    • Sweater, sweatshirt or jacket

    • Swimsuit and towel (if swimming)

  • Raincoat and/or umbrella

  • Sunscreen

  • Hand sanitizer 

  • Face masks

  • Alarm clock

  • Fan (there is not air conditioning in the dorms)

  • A refillable water bottle (one is not provided this year)

  • Spending money

  • Review program packing suggestions, such as long pants or closed shoes (see Program information)

  • County name sign

  • Camera


Getting to Campus

Directions to Cornell
Please consult the Cornell campus map available through your Cooperative Extension Office and on the Cornell website to find the best way to get to and around Cornell University and to get to your dorm.

Check-in will at Robert Purcell Community Center (RPCC). Once on campus there will be signs to help direct you to Check-In and unloading areas. 


There is no parking on central campus during the event. Association and personal cars must be left in the designated North Campus lot. Vehicles with “official” plates may park on campus in eligible parking spaces without additional fees being assessed. Parking permits will be available at registration. If you need accessible parking, please notify the state office in advance.

Parking Map.png

On campus early or staying later?

Walking Tours Visitor Relations is the front door to exploring Cornell’s Ithaca campus, providing information and tours. The Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center is open to visitors Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM and Saturdays from 8 AM to 3 PM. Visitor Relations staff are available to assist and answer general questions via (607) 254-4636 (INFO) or Virtual tours are also available.


Here are some fun places and popular sites to see. 

McGraw Tower (the Clock Tower) – Probably the most noted landmark on campus at Cornell, McGraw Tower has 21 chimes, which play three times throughout the day. Climbing 161 stairs to the top is definitely a great

Sage Chapel – Built in 1873, this chapel was designed by Charles Babcock, Cornell’s first professor of Architecture. The intricate decorations and design of Sage Chapel is breathtaking!

The Arts Quad – Many Cornell students enjoy warm summer days walking though and/or studying in this safe haven. It is home to the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning. While you’re there be sure to check out the Whispering Wall near Goldwin-Smith, say “hi” to Uncle Ezra and A.D. White, and see the Libe Slope Overlook behind McGraw Tower.

The Cornell Store – Cornell has an underground bookstore on two floors. Be sure to check it out and take home some cool Cornell apparel. Hours 8:00am-5:00pm. For more information, visit

Ho Plaza – Ho Plaza is Cornell’s town square and home to the Cornell Store. It is here that Cornell students make their voices heard and express new ideas. Be sure to stop by Willard Straight to see the Great Hall. See if you can find the carving of the architect’s least favorite professor (Hint: He is picking his nose).


The Musical Sidewalk – is an amusing piece of pavement situated next to Olin Library on the Arts Quad. It is popular among students, who like skipping rocks over the “pitched” sidewalk or enjoying a book on a sunny bench.


Cornell Botanic Gardens – A great place to relax on a summer afternoon, the Botanic Gardens offers trails throughout the gorges and among flower gardens. Most easily accessed from the path behind Mann Library and Fernow Hall, the summer gardens and Arboretum are a favorite with Cornell Students. 

Beebe Lake – Take a short nature hike through campus, to see beautiful waterfalls. This trail goes around the lake and is accessible by the Botanic Gardens or the back path behind MVR.

Beauty and Brains – Starting at Bailey Plaza, take a stroll to the AD White Gardens, down to Uris Garden and over to the 2nd floor of Uris Hall. Smell the flowers, gaze at the fine (and not so fine) architecture, and view the brains of geniuses and criminals.

Cornell Dairy Bar – The Dairy Bar at Stocking Hall is stocked with all your favorite flavors of Cornell ice cream. Enjoy an ice cream cone and take a stroll outside of the plant. You might even be able to watch them making your dessert!

Johnson Museum of Art –To learn more visit the museum website.

Prep for Campus

Campus Life



Your group needs to arrive between 10 AM and 12 PM. on Tuesday, June 28. Orientations start at 12:30 PM, so you may find arriving by 11:30 AM gives you more time to settle into dorms before getting started with event activities.


Check-in is at Robert Purcell Community Center.

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The first Chaperone to arrive from each County should be prepared to check in all of their County or Group’s participants. Participants who arrive later will receive their conference materials from this Chaperone.

If you are the first (or designated) Chaperone to arrive from your County:

  • Please look for the Career Explorations Planning Team member with parking permits (note: official vehicles don't need parking permits). Get your parking permit and park in the conference lot. Come into the front lobby of RPCC.

    • Only one Chaperone should come to the check-in table. Youth should remain with the vehicle.

    • A Focus Assistant (FA) will greet you on your way in.

  • What to bring Inside

    • Your group members should have already sent in the Permission Slips on the online form, so you shouldn’t have to bring anything.

    • If these forms have not been sent in online, please bring 2 copies of the Permission Slips for each your County’s participants to the Check-In desk.

    • Chaperones may want to retain a set of Permission Slips for your County just in case.

  • You will be given a packet for your County that includes:

    • 4-H Career Exploration conference information and name tags

    • Room assignments/keys/meal tickets (you will get this from Conference Services)

    • T-shirts and masks


After Check-In

After receiving the Check-In packet, the Chaperone should return to the County vehicle(s) and have a brief County meeting including the following:

  • A review of the program rules and regulations

  • Hand out program schedules, name tags, meal cards, and keys – count your meal cards – don’t lose!

  • Inform youth of room assignments (only adults should have access to outside doors)

  • Inform youth where the Chaperone rooms are located

  • Set a time to meet at the designated regrouping area after unpacking, and place to meet before dinner


When the Check-In materials have been distributed to participants, unload your vehicles, and park in the conference parking lot before finding your rooms and unpacking.


Finding Your Rooms

Signs will be available to help direct people in the dorms. Conference Services has made every effort to set up the room assignments in County blocks. If you have any concerns about room assignments, please speak with the Conference Services Staff.

Prepare your group for the first activities of the Conference:

  • Chaperones need to be in the RPCC Auditorium at 12:30 PM for Chaperone Orientation.

  • Youth need to be at the green outdoor space in by your program signs at 12:30 PM for Youth Orientation (you will see program signage).


Walking on Campus

Walking is the primary form of transportation to activities. Any other necessary transportation will be arranged by the program you are attending. If you have any mobility restrictions that prevent you from walking, please call the State 4-H Office at least 3 weeks advance of the program. In the event of a thunderstorm, or if other transportation needs arise, participants may ride the TCAT buses which travel on campus, at their own expense ($1.50 one way—remember to have cash on hand). Buses come about every 10 minutes. Most participants will need to catch the TCAT 81 bus that travels through campus and to the RPCC area. Chaperones should accompany youth on the bus.

Campus Wi-Fi

For information on connecting to campus wi-fi please visit this website.


Dormitory Housing


  • This year we will be staying in Mary Donlon Hall

  • Chaperones and youth will be assigned single-occupancy rooms and cannot switch rooms.

  • Participants should hang out in common areas, not dorm rooms. Only youth who are assigned to a room should be in that room. Please use lounges, dining areas, and other designated activity areas to spend time with friends.

  • Please use hair dryers in the bathrooms only.

  • Linens are provided with rooms including sheets, pillow and pillowcase, one blanket, one towel, one washcloth, and soap. You will have to bring your own towels for the pool.

Keep the door to your room locked at all times to keep yourself and your belongings safe. Please be careful not to lock yourself out of your dorm rooms. Doors close and lock automatically. Have your key with you at all times. If you get locked out of your room, call (607) 255-2288. Only Chaperones will have key cards to get into the dorms, so all youth must be accompanied by an adult to enter the dorm.


Chaperones need to check their delegate’s rooms at the time of arrival and departure. If there are problems with the rooms (i.e. light bulbs burnt out), contact Conference Services immediately so that problem can be resolved or noted. Please also contact Conference Services if problems arise during the conference. Damages not reported that are found at the end of the program will be charged to the County occupying the room. Also make note of any room/key changes.

Check Out: RPCC, Thursday 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Please have everything out of your rooms before your programs on Thursday. Make sure you double-check your room to ensure that no belongings are left behind. If you don’t have a vehicle to put luggage in on Thursday morning, you can store your belongings in room 220 in RPCC on the second floor.
Chaperones should check all rooms for damage and collect all room keys. Any damages not reported to 4-H Career Exploration staff on Tuesday will be charged to the County. After collecting keys, place them in the envelope you received at Check-In, and turn the envelope into the Conference Services staff. Please be sure all keys are collected, as there will be significant fees for keys not turned in.



  • This year we will be dining in Morrison Dining hall. There are lots of wonderful meal choices available - plan on exploring before making your choices! The eatery is a buffet; please take only what you will eat.

  • There are also small kitchenettes in the dorm if you'd like to bring snacks, etc.

  • Youth should go to meals with an adult.

  • Please let us know any dietary needs when you register. We’ll make every effort to accommodate dietary needs. Please also make sure Chaperones are aware of your needs.

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  • Dinner on Tuesday through breakfast on Thursday is included with your registration.

  • You can purchase additional meals from the dining on the Early Arrival/Late Departure section of the registration form. Please note: Bear Necessities, the small convenience store in Robert Purcell Community Center, gets full fast. If you'd like to eat on North Campus on Tuesday, please purchase meals in the dining hall through your registration form.

  • You will receive meal tickets in your County packet at Check-In. Please count your meal tickets as soon as possible and inform the conference coordinators if you are missing any. You can zip them into the nametag pouch so they don’t get lost. Give your meal tickets to Dining Services staff to enter the dining hall.



Please take care of yourself and each other while on campus. Even though Cornell has a rather tranquil setting, serious crimes can and do occur along its pleasant footpaths.

  • Youth should never walk alone anywhere on campus at any time.

  • Dorm doors should be locked at all times.

  • Under no circumstances should youth leave the dorm at night.

  • The Safety Division’s (Cornell police) phone number is 607-255-1111.




Chaperones will receive the incident response plan and a list of campus emergency numbers during orientation.

Free Time and Recreation


Evening activities are offered as a time to rest, have fun, and meet people from around the state. There are several options including movies, bowling, swimming, outdoor games, and more. There will also be a lounge for reading and quiet relaxation. You may want to bring items like Frisbees, soccer balls, footballs, etc. to use during your free time outside.


Chaperones will be assigned to supervise one of the free time activities. All participants are expected to participate in some form of evening activity with adult supervision and should not be in the dorm before 9:00 pm.  If a youth needs to go to the dorm for any reason they need to be accompanied by an adult.


A few things to remember for activities in Helen Newman Hall:

  • No food or beverage, only water in non-glass containers in gym and pool.

  • Must have athletic shoes for gymnasium floor, no bare feet or stocking feet due to safety.

  • In the pool: need to do a swim test that consists of swimming the width of the pool unassisted. Must have appropriate swimwear and bring own towels. More pool rules here.

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Tuesday, June 28

8:30 – 10 PM                  Bowling & gym (Helen Newman Hall)

8:30 – 10 PM                 Movie/Lounge (Robert Purcell Community Center Lounge 103/105)

8:30 – 10 PM                 Quiet Lounge (Robert Purcell Community Center Wendy Purcell Lounge, 2nd Floor)

8:30 – 10 PM                 Movie (Robert Purcell Community Center Auditorium, 2nd Floor)

8:30 – 10 PM                 Outdoor Games - weather permitting (Rawlings Green across from Helen Newman Hall)

Wednesday, June 29

7 – 10 PM                 Bowling & gym (Helen Newman Hall)

7 – 8:30 PM             Swimming (Helen Newman Hall)

7 – 10 PM                 Movie/Lounge (Robert Purcell Community Center Lounge 103/105)

7 – 10 PM                 Quiet Lounge (Robert Purcell Community Center Wendy Purcell Lounge, 2nd Floor)

7 – 10 PM                 Movie (Robert Purcell Community Center Auditorium, 2nd Floor)

7 – 10 PM                 Outdoor Games - weather permitting (Rawlings Green across from Helen Newman Hall)

8:30 - 9:30 PM        Conversations, Caffeine, and Chocolate with Chaperone Advisors (Wendy Purcell Lounge)  



Getting enough sleep helps you have a fun and meaningful 4-H Career Explorations experience. Dorms open at 9:00 PM. Everyone (youth and adults) is expected to be in the dorms by 10:00 PM and at 11:00 PM it’s time for lights out.


Walking (lots of walking)


4-H Focus Assistants will lead participants to their program or bus pickup every morning. Be on time and prepared to walk about 15-20 minutes to your program destinations. Program gathering and departure times will be listed on the event website within the itineraries for each specific program. Please be aware departure times may vary for specific programs. If there are special transportation needs, please be sure to notify the Event Coordinator in advance of the 4-H Career Explorations Conference. Walking is a part of the college experience. We hope you enjoy the beautiful campus and some healthy exercise - so wear sneakers or comfortable walking shoes!


Photos and Social Media: #4HCareerEx22

Counties and groups, please take photos of your group and share them for the Closing Video. Please share pictures of your Career Explorations experience during program and social activities, too!

Campus Life


University U Programs

Youth entering into grades 8 and up are invited to sign up for University U. You will participate in a random selection of 6 different programs from the programs described here.

A Universe of All Sizes: Chemical Engineering All Around Us 

Universe of all sizes.png

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 


Ever wonder how computer chips are made? Or what makes ice cream so good? Or how antibiotics work? Chemical Engineers explore these phenomena every day to try to solve problems with modern day medical challenges and the creation of specialized materials. In our laboratory, come explore how nanoparticles and polymers can be used to improve drug development and materials. Students will make nanoparticles and polymers and explore their material and biological applications. We will also discuss the diverse set of careers for chemical engineers, ranging from the petroleum industry, to healthcare, to microelectronics, and even the food industry. 


Packing Suggestions: Closed toed shoes are recommended.  

All About Me: Exploring Adolescent Development 

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Program for Research on Youth Development and Engagement (PRYDE), Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, College of Human Ecology 


Who am I? What do I care about? What do I want to accomplish? If you’ve ever found yourself asking these questions, come join PRYDE for a fun workshop that is all about you! We’ll be introducing youth to the study of adolescence by engaging in conversations and activities derived from psychology research on youth identity, expression, and exploration of the self. During the workshop, youth will write, doodle, reflect, and create narratives about their unique identities through creative journaling and hands-on activities. You’ll learn about psychology research and about yourself. 

Mechanics of Metamaterials - Changing Properties by Changing Structure 


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 


Mechanical engineers work on a diverse range of problems, from making things move to studying how heat works.  One exciting part of mechanical engineering is studying how materials behave when forces are applied.  Many different materials are used in our daily lives, such as metals, glass, and plastics.  Each of these materials works differently from others because of their unique features on a really small (atomic) scale. A new type of material called metamaterials, have behavior instead based on patterned geometries at a micrometer to millimeter scale. This program will introduce you to mechanical testing of materials and to metamaterials using interactive activities. You will test different 3D printed metamaterials and brainstorm ideas for your own designs. 

Digging the Johnson: Archaeology and the Ancient World 


Johnson Museum of Art 


Explore the worlds of ancient China, Egypt and Mexico through objects in the collection of the Johnson Museum of Art. Learn about archaeology and museum careers and create your own sculpture inspired by the tomb goods we'll see in the studio. 

SkinKit: A Construction Kit for On-Skin Interface Prototyping 


Human Centered Design 


Learn about wearable technology and create your own on-skin devices in this maker program. SkinKit is an on-skin prototyping toolkit that has plug-and-play construction with pre-programmed modules you can use to DIY your own wearables.

Sorting recyclables using density 


Materials Science and Engineering


We will learn how recycling plants use the varying densities of different types of plastics to sort everything we throw out. The students will learn what density is and how it differs from weight, why plastics might look the same to our eye but are very different from one another at a molecular level, and how something so simple as water can be used to sort all the plastics.  

The tiniest things are SO COOL: Exploring nanotechnology 

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Cornell NanoScale Facility 


The nanoscale world is too small to see, but that doesn't stop us from using all sorts of cool nanotechnologies. Learn how nano-engineers make the tiniest possible machines. Explore some of the unexpected properties of the nano light that is powerful enough to grab and hold a bead! 

UU General Schedule

Tuesday – all UU groups together 
2:00-3:00 PM    UU Opening program (Duffield Hall Atrium) 
3:00-4:30 PM     Campus Tour (Leave from Duffield Hall)


Wednesday – UU groups rotate through programs 
9:00-10:25 AM     First program (see Group Schedules) 
10:40-12:05 PM     Second program (see Group Schedules) 
12:15-12:45 PM     Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00-2:25 PM     Third program (see Group Schedules) 
2:40-4:05 PM     Fourth program (see Group Schedules)


Thursday – UU groups rotate through programs 
8:55-10:20 AM     Fifth program (see Group Schedules) 
10:35-12:00 PM     Sixth program (see Group Schedules) 


UU Group Schedules

UU - A

9:00 AM – 10:25 AM       Digging the Johnson (Johnson Museum)

10:40 AM- 12:05 PM       A Universe of All Sizes (Olin Hall 128)

12:15-12:45 PM                Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM          All About Me (MVR T219)

2:40 PM – 4:05 PM          Sorting recyclables using density (Phillips 213)


8:55 AM – 10:20 AM       Exploring nanotechnology (Duffield Atrium)

10:35 AM – 12:00 PM      Mechanics of Metamaterials (Upson Hall 202)


UU - B

9:00 AM – 10:25 AM     A Universe of All Sizes (Olin Hall 128)

10:40 AM- 12:05 PM      All About Me (MVR T219)

12:15-12:45 PM              Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM         Sorting recyclables using density (Phillips 213)

2:40 PM – 4:05 PM         Exploring nanotechnology (Duffield Atrium)


8:55 AM – 10:20 AM       Mechanics of Metamaterials (Upson Hall 202)

10:35 AM – 12:00 PM     Digging the Johnson (Johnson Museum)


UU - C

9:00 AM – 10:25 AM       All About Me (MVR T219)

10:40 AM- 12:05 PM       Sorting recyclables using density (Phillips 213)

12:15-12:45 PM                Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM          Exploring nanotechnology (Duffield Atrium)

2:40 PM – 4:05 PM          Mechanics of Metamaterials (Upson Hall 202)


8:55 AM – 10:20 AM       Digging the Johnson (Johnson Museum)

10:35 AM – 12:00 PM      Botanic Gardens (Nevin Welcome Center)


UU - D

9:00 AM – 10:25 AM       Sorting recyclables using density (Phillips 213)

10:40 AM- 12:05 PM       Exploring nanotechnology (Duffield Atrium)

12:15-12:45 PM                Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM          Mechanics of Metamaterials (Upson Hall 202)

2:40 PM – 4:05 PM          Digging the Johnson (Johnson Museum)


8:55 AM – 10:20 AM       Botanic Gardens (Nevin Welcome Center)

10:35 AM – 12:00 PM      All About Me (MVR T219)


UU - E

9:00 AM – 10:25 AM       Exploring nanotechnology (Duffield Atrium)

10:40 AM- 12:05 PM       Mechanics of Metamaterials (Upson Hall 202)

12:15-12:45 PM                Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM          Digging the Johnson (Johnson Museum)

2:40 PM – 4:05 PM          SkinKit (HEB 201)


8:55 AM – 10:20 AM       All About Me (MVR T219)

10:35 AM – 12:00 PM      Botanic Gardens (Nevin Welcome Center)


UU - F

9:00 AM – 10:25 AM       Mechanics of Metamaterials (Upson Hall 202)

10:40 AM- 12:05 PM       Digging the Johnson (Johnson Museum)

12:15-12:45 PM                Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM          A Universe of All Sizes (Olin Hall 128)

2:40 PM – 4:05 PM          All About Me (MVR T219)


8:55 AM – 10:20 AM       Botanic Gardens (Nevin Welcome Center)

10:35 AM – 12:00 PM      Exploring nanotechnology (Duffield Atrium)

University U

Focus for Teens Programs

Youth entering grades 10 and up are invited to sign up for Focus for Teens. You choose the one program you’d like to join. Please indicate your top 3 choices on your registration form as programs fill first-come, first-serve.

Computer Security 

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Cornell Computer Science 


Maximum number of youth: 20 


This program will introduce the field of computer security, focusing especially on issues related to computer networks. Using a series of intuitive, hands-on labs, we will explore how networks can be attacked and secured. We will also discuss career paths and opportunities in computing and related fields. 

Program Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday June 28, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM    Hands-on activity (307 Phillips Hall)
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM    Programming lab (303 Phillips Hall)


Day 2: Wednesday June 29, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Lab Tour (114 Gates Hall)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Hardware demo (114 Gates Hall)
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM    Hands-on activity (114 Gates Hall)
12 PM - 1:00 PM    Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM - 2:0 PM    Hands-on activity (307 Phillips Hall)
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    Dairy Bar field trip (Cornell Dairy Bar)
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM    Programming lab (303 Phillips Hall)


Day 3: Thursday June 30, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Hands-on activity (307 Phillips Hall)
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Programming lab (303 Phillips Hall)
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM    Career panel (307 Phillips Hall)

Computer Security

Exploring the Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe 


Department of Astronomy, Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Carl Sagan Institute, Astronomy Graduate Network 


Maximum number of youth: 20 


In this program, you will explore the meaning behind Carl Sagan's famous words: "We are made of star-stuff." You will do science and take on the challenge of discovery through hands-on activities and demonstrations. You will follow the journey of a single atom through the cosmos, beginning with the Big Bang, passing through the life cycles of stars, and finally arriving at the birth of the Solar System, our home planet Earth, and the origin of life. Along the way, you will gain knowledge and skills that are fundamental to a variety of career paths, including scientific and medical research, engineering, "Big Data", and even art and music! 

Program Schedule

Day 1: Tuesday June 28, 2022

2 PM - 3 PM                Intro & Space-themed Icebreakers (Space Sciences Building (SSB) 105)

3 PM - 4:30 PM          Spectroscopy and Music (SSB 105)


Day 2: Wednesday June 29, 2022

9 AM - 10:15 AM         Infrared Camera (SSB 105)

10:30 AM – 12 PM       Size of the Universe (SSB 105)

12 PM – 1 PM               Lunch Break (Physical Sciences Atrium)

1 PM - 3:00 PM           Discovering Alien Worlds (SSB 105)

3:00 - 4 PM                Fuertes Tour (Fuertes Observatory)


Day 3: Thursday June 30, 2022

9 AM - 11 AM              Career Explorations (SSB 105)

11 AM – 12 PM             Liquid nitrogen ice cream; wrap-up (SSB 105)

Exploring Solar System

Look Down! Exploring the World Under Your Feet 

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Institute for Resource Information Sciences, Section of Soil and Crop Sciences 


Maximum number of youth: 15 


Explore the world you walk on and make your own maps - and art! Do you know that you can create art by just going for a walk?  Learn how to create geoglyphs while getting some exercise!  You will learn the history of geoglyphs and how to create art using a maps and geospatial science. 4-H Soil Painting activity uses maps to investigate the attributes of soils in various locations.  Soil attributes, such as color and texture, will be further explored by using the soils as pigments for paint.  Your job will be to be create an original soil painting or provide a creative contribution to a group 4-H soil painting mural for public display. Throughout the workshop, be a digital storyteller. Weave your pictures, videos and more together into a compelling and interactive story that's easy to create and share. Tell the kind of story you want to tell and share it!  


Packing Suggestions: Many of our activities take place outdoors and walking campus routes.  Clothing appropriate to outdoor weather and walking are recommended. 

Program Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday June 28, 2022
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM    Welcome/Introductions/”Zooming In” (135 Emerson Hall)
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM    StoryMaps 1 – Getting Started (135 Emerson Hall)
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM    GPS – Digital Footprints (Outdoors)
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM    StoryMaps 2 –Telling Your Career Ex Story (135 Emerson)


Day 2: Wednesday June 29, 2022
9:00 AM–10:00 AM    You Walk – Plants Talk (135 Emerson Hall)
10:00AM - 11:00AM    Playful Plants Scavenger Hunt (Outdoors)
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM    ArcGISOnline – Digital Mapmaking (135 Emerson Hall)
11:30 AM –12:00 PM    StoryMaps 3 – Adding Maps (135 Emerson Hall)
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM    Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM    Digging Deeper – Soil Painting (135 Emerson Hall)
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM    GeoArt: Walk the Talk, Test the Trackers (Outdoors)
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM    StoryMaps 4 – Adding Graphics (135 Emerson Hall)


Day 3: Thursday June 30, 2022
9:00 AM–10:00 AM    What’s Under Foot from Up in the Air (135 Emerson Hall)
10:00 AM–11:00 AM    Drones and Remote Sensing Challenge (Outdoors)
11:00 AM–12:00 PM    StoryMaps 5 – Finishing Touches (135 Emerson Hall)

Look Down

Media, Design, Action: Career Paths in World-Making 

Media Design Action.png



Maximum number of youth: 15 


Through hands-on media-making workshops, Media, Design, Action showcases careers paths in design thinking, media design, and strategic storytelling, from gathering evidence with communities, to sharing cutting-edge research between collaborators, to persuading policy-makers and communities to take action in such areas as Environmental studies, Human rights and international law, Public health and well-being, and Economic and social development. Explore campus then document and reflect on your explorations in a mini TED-like talk about your experiences. See examples such transmedia genres and media platforms as Science Rap, Info Comics, PechaKucha, Dance Your PhD, TikTok, Instagram, Comic Life, and Canva. 


Packing Suggestions: Backpack, notebook. Smartphone or tablet if available. If you don’t have your own equipment, you will be able to share with someone else.

Program Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday June 28, 2022
2:00 PM – 2:30     Welcome, Tribal Acknowledgement, Intros (Mann 160)
2:30 – 3:00     Civic Storytelling, Global Development (Global Dev)
3:00 – 3:30    Mann Library as Knowledge Base (Mann Library)
3:30 – 4:00     Ag Quad as Information Architecture (Ag Quad)
4:00 – 4:30 PM    Storytelling and World Building (Mann 160)

Day 2: Wednesday June 29, 2022
9:00 AM – 10:00     Pluriversal Storytelling, Literatures in English (Goldwin Smith)
10:00 - 10:30    Arts Quad as Information Architecture (Arts Quad)
10:30 – 11 :30    Legal Storytelling, Law School (Law)
11:30 – 12:00    Willard Straight Hall as Historical Site    
12 PM – 1 PM    Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 – 1:30    Engineering Quad as Data Base (Engineering Quad)
1:30 – 2:30    Data Storytelling, Information Science (Gates Hall)
2:30 – 4:30 PM    Canva, Transmedia Storytelling, Open Studio (Mann 160)

Day 3: Thursday June 30, 2022
9:00 AM – 10:00    Open Studio  (Mann 160)
10:00 AM – 11:00    Studio Rehearsal (Mann 160)
11:00 – 12:00 PM    4-H Transmedia Festival (Mann Library)

Media Design Action

Be a Foodie and Eat the Science: what it's like to be a food scientist 

Food Science.png

Food science and technology 


Maximum number of youth: 20 


Explore the science behind our food through a series of engaging and hands-on activities, experiments, and challenges. Can you solve the escape room surrounding a restaurant outbreak? Learn how to develop a new food product, we will explore all the cool things you can do with food science. Your challenge will be to develop a color-changing, safe, healthy, refreshing, and delicious summer drink and present your product at our very own dolphin tank contest! 


Packing Suggestions: Please wear closed-toed shoes for potential lab activities. Please also bring personal smartphone if possible. If you don’t have your own equipment, you will be able to share with someone else.


Note: this program title was updated. It was originally called New menu! Develop a new summer drink with us as a food scientist.  

Program Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday June 28, 2022
2:00 PM -2:30 PM    Introduction to the event and innovative icebreaker (Stocking Hall 148)
2:30 PM-3:00 PM    Introduction to food science (Stocking Hall 148)
3:00 PM-3:10 PM    Break (Stocking Hall) 
3:10 PM-3:40 PM    Interactive activity: mock interview of food scientists (Stocking Hall 148)
3:40 PM-4:10 PM    Introduction to food microbiology (Stocking Hall 148)
4:10 PM– 4:30 PM    Interactive activity: Kahoot! (Stocking Hall 148)


Day 2: Wednesday June 29, 2022
Escape Room Investigation: A Restaurant Outbreak
9:00 AM-9:30 AM    Overview of the case and escape room rules (Stocking Hall 148)
9:30 AM-10:30 AM    Investigation (Stocking Hall 148, PD kitchen and conference room)
10:30 AM-10:40 AM    Break (Stocking Hall)
10:40 AM- 11:10 AM    Prepare for case finding presentation (Stocking Hall 148)
11:10 AM-11:50 AM    Group presentation on the case investigation (Stocking Hall 148)


12 PM    Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)

Developing a Color-changing Summer Drink: Dolphin Tank Contest    
1:00 PM-1:40 PM    Introduction to product development and ingredient functionality (Stocking Hall 148)
1:40 PM-2:10 PM    A short activity on ingredient functionality: emulsion (Stocking Hall 148)
2:10 PM-2:20 PM    Break    
2:20 PM-2:50 PM    Introduction to sensory evaluation (Stocking Hall 148)
2:50 PM-3:10 PM    Overview of the final project and rules (Stocking Hall 148)
3:10 PM– 4:30 PM    New summer drink idealization and trials (Stocking Hall 148 and PD kitchen)


Day 3: Thursday June 30, 2022
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM    Drink preparation (Stocking Hall 148 and PD kitchen)
9:30 AM-10:00 AM    Sensory evaluation  (Stocking Hall sensory booth)
10:00 AM-10:10 AM    Break    
10:10 AM-11:00 AM    Preparation for dolphin tank contest (Stocking Hall 148)
11:00 AM-11:50 AM    Dolphin tank (Stocking Hall 148)
11:50 AM– 12:00 PM    Event conclusion (Stocking Hall 148)

Be a Foodie

PRYDE Youth Investigators Introduction to Psychology Research 

Youth Investigators.png

Program for Research on Youth Development and Engagement (PRYDE), Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, College of Human Ecology 


Maximum number of youth: 20 


Are you interested in social science careers that involve research, like psychology, public health, and social justice work? Join faculty, staff, and students from the PRYDE to participate in the Youth Investigators Social Science Research Program. Together we will try out what researchers do in real life–like creating hypotheses and collecting data–to give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be a social scientist and to start your own journey as a youth researcher. 4-Hers will work as a team to use research skills and critical thinking to ask and answer research questions related to the ups and downs of being a teenager. Activities include using social media to conduct polls, interviewing current college students, and learning how to disseminate data with others through a cumulative final presentation.  


Packing Suggestions: We encourage youth to bring their smartphone to the sessions if they have one.

Program Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday June 28, 2022
2:00 PM – 2:20 PM    Welcome & Introductions (MVR 1102)
2:20 PM – 2:40 PM    Introduction to Topic: What do you know about Research? (MVR 1102)
2:40 PM – 3:40 PM    Youth Investigators Module 1 - Social Science Literacy (MVR 1102)
3:40 PM – 4:30 PM    Youth Investigators Module 2 - Generating Research Questions & Quantitative Data Analysis (MVR 1102)


Day 2: Wednesday June 29, 2022
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM    Check In (MVR 1102)
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM    Youth Investigators Module 3 - Interviews & Qualitative Data Analysis (MVR 1102)
10:15 AM- 11:15 AM    Preparing for our own Research Project: Interviews with Cornell Students (MVR 1102)
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM    Interview Session: Interviewing Cornell Students about their Path to College (HEB Commons)
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM    Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM    Analysis Session: What did we learn in our interviews? (MVR 1102)
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM    Youth Investigators Module 4-Disseminating Research (MVR 1102)
3:00PM – 4:00 PM    Youth Investigators Module 5- Ethical Issues in Research (MVR 1102)
4:00 PM– 4:30 PM    Capstone: Create your own Research Proposal (MVR 1102)


Day 3: Thursday June 30, 2022
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM    Check In (MVR 1102)
9:15 AM – 10:00 AM    Small groups work on their Research Proposals (MVR 1102)
10:00 AM – 10:45 AM    Presentations of Proposals (MVR 1102)
10:45 AM– 12:00 PM    Focus Group & Evaluations of what we learned (MVR 1102)

PRYDE Youth Investigators

Women In Science 

Women in Science.png

Human Development 


Maximum number of youth: 15 


Do the toys you have as a child shape your future career goals? Do stereotypes affect your academic performance, even without you being aware of it? These are the types of questions we explore in “Why aren’t there more women scientists?” In addition, you will get to meet women scientists and learn about their diverse research areas within the field of psychology and human development including forensic psychology and neuroscience. This program will give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be a social scientist in real life. Participation and activities are the best part! Come learn about the real world of psychology and human development you never hear about in school. 

Program Schedule


Day 1: Tuesday, June 28, 2:00PM – 4:30PM
2:00PM – 2:30PM    Welcome & Introduction to Social Science Research (Uris Hall G26)
2:30PM – 2:45PM    Video and discussion: Nicole Ceci: International Energy Engineer (Uris Hall G26)
2:45PM – 3:15PM    Video and discussion: Three Girls Discover their Love of Science (Uris Hall G26)
3:15PM – 4:30PM    Activity: Examining toys designed for girls (Uris Hall G26)


Day 2: Wednesday, June 29, 9:00AM – 4:30PM
9:00AM – 9:30AM    Lesson: Psychology Research Methods (Uris Hall G26)
9:30AM – 10:00AM    Video and discussion: Underrepresented Youth Using Science as a Ticket Up (Uris Hall G26)
10:00AM – 12:00PM    Activity: Stereotype Threat (Uris Hall G26)
12:00PM – 1:00PM    Lunch (Physical Sciences Atrium)
1:00PM – 2:30PM    Visit the EEG and VR lab (HEB 210)
2:30PM – 4:30PM    Activity: Can you control a computer with your mind? (Uris Hall G26)


Day 3: Thursday, June 30, 9:00AM – 12:00PM
9:00AM – 9:45AM    Research Presentations: Psychology researchers (Uris Hall G26)
9:45AM – 10:00AM    Video and discussion: Matt Miller talks Engineering with Daughter Chaney (Uris Hall G26)
10:15AM – 10:30AM    Video and discussion: Lauren Hodge: 14-Year-Old Google Science Fair Winner (Uris Hall G26)
10:30AM – 11:30AM    Visit Johnson Art Museum (Johnson Museum)
11:30AM – 12:00PM    Closing: What did we learn? (Uris Hall G26)

Women In Science

© 2023 New York State 4-H Youth Development, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Cornell University. All Rights Reserved. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. 4-H is the youth development program of our nation's Cooperative Extension System and USDA.


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Land Acknowledgement

Cornell University is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' (the Cayuga Nation). The Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' are members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, an alliance of six sovereign Nations with a historic and contemporary presence on this land. The Confederacy precedes the establishment of Cornell University, New York state, and the United States of America. We acknowledge the painful history of Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' dispossession, and honor the ongoing connection of Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' people, past and present, to these lands and waters.

This land acknowledgment has been reviewed and approved by the traditional Gayogo̱hó꞉nÇ«' leadership. Learn more

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