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Host Families Urgently Needed!!


Summer is right around the corner and with that comes many opportunities to have fun and enhance our life experiences. Why not open your home to an International Exchange Youth this summer.

Since those in this group have hosted previously the process is much more streamlined and simpler. Once your application has been filed most of your will be all set and it is just a matter of making a match!

This summer NYS 4-H will be hosting 25 Japanese delegates between the ages of 12 and 18 (most are 12-14) and two adult chaperones. Delegates will arrive between July 24 and will depart August 17. Delegates will be arriving in Syracuse and will depart from there as well.

If you are interested and able to host this summer please visit the State's 4-H website ( and fill out an application. Once your application is submitted, I will contact you with the next steps.

As always, I am happy to answer any questions that your family may have and you may also find more information at

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